In this time of transition from one season to the next there are lingering evidences of the summer season: the sunny, cheerful Sunflowers still bloom in my backyard, with wilted, decaying blossoms hanging low to the ground.

As summer ends I mourn it's leaving and treasure the last few days. I've always been a summer person and even with the sweltering and oppressive heat this summer, I have hated to see
it go, more so this year than ever. Just as the beautiful, bright Sun becomes more distant each day, it reminds me of other "leavings" in my life: I see my mother getting older (she was never to get old and leave me), my two daughters don't need me as they did when they were younger (they were to never grow up and not need me), my husband and I are not as young as we use to be and we're not as youthful (we were never to get older either), my years as a home educating-work-at-home mom have ended and I now have a part time job away from home (I was never to be any where but home-sweet-home). I see each of my loved ones slipping away day by day and a re-arranging of our lives, our hearts. A bit of sadness tugs at me with this new beginning, this new season. It's been a long time since life has been bittersweet with happiness and sadness so closely intertwined . . . but I know, deep down in my heart, these changes are

by design - and right - and good. Now, the cooler, crisp days of the coming Autumn move me towards this new season. With all my Summer days as precious memories, an anticipation and hope stirs quietly within me. I know the days ahead have been planned for me, with some easier and more welcomed, some more difficult and not as welcomed but I will go through them for I know they will be full of treasures and goodness, mercy and grace, love and family, friends and art -- just like the past season. Within my heart I have peace and faith. Autumn is a beautiful season that I will fully enjoy too.
More recently I've been blessed with a new friend who loves Sunflowers and art. :-) She and I are making Sunflower post cards for a swap. I already received my friend's lovely card. Thank you, Barbara Marie, I love it, it is beautiful. A special gift, a precious memory of this Summer's Sunflowers. Mine will be finished and in the mail soon. I'll post a picture of it here in this post to update it.
Edit Update: Here is the Sunflower Post Card I made for my friend in our swap
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"I had always felt life first as a story and if there is a story there is a storyteller."
~G. K. Chesterton~
"The heart, like the mind, has a memory. And in it are kept the most precious keepsakes."
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~