My Mom will be 80 years old this July 5th and we're planning a birthday party for her a week from tomorrow. We're hoping to get as many of the family members together as possible. Orangeblossom, my youngest, is going to make the cake and I've been working on a collage project for her. She let me go through some of her mother's old pictures and I picked out my favorites to use. While scanning and editing some of the pictures, I've been thinking about family and how our loved ones, who aren't physically with us any longer, still remain a part of us in our memories and heart. Our relationship with them in the past remains a great influence on us today SO my theme or title for her collage is "Yesterday History". Her favorite color is blue so I'm using a sky blue with browns, tans, creamy butter yellows in the pre-made papers. She's 16 in this picture to the left. So beautiful...I love her.
Here are some of the pictures I'm using in her collage:

I'll use the pictures above by cutting them to the size and shape I want, then glue them and paint around them. I placed them on my scanner in this arrangement to display which photos I decide to use in the collage before I cut and shaped them. AND this is the scrapbook paper that I've torn to be used for the background: